The following list of contemporary sociopolitical issues was generated during an in-class brainstorming session on Thursday, Sept. 8th, 2022. It is a good start, but is by no means complete. Please e-mail Professor MacDonald with your suggested additions and modifications.
- Socio-Political: involves both social and political factors
– Political factors: economic development, well-being of citizens…
– Social: poverty, unemployment, housing, discrimination, child neglect/abuse
- Social Justice: fairness for all
- Climate change and denial
- Global warming
- Carbon Footprint
- Loss of Natural Habitats
- Clean water, air
- Industrial waste
- Natural Disasters – Wildfires, Floods
- Deforestation
- Environmental conservation
- Oceans, whales
- Acidification of Coral Reefs
- Wildlife
- Oil – pipelines, spills
- Corporate responsibility
- Racial injustice and climate change
- Green energy
- Impact on health – respiratory health
Voting Rights
- Voting restrictions: bans 24-hour voting, bans drive-thru voting, poll watchers, vote by mail mandates, etc.
- Heather Cox Richardson‘s Substack daily e-mail newsletter – good source w/ historical insights & comparisons
- Voter ID laws
- Gerrymandering
- False Information
- Education
- pork barrel spending
- Voting restrictions: bans 24-hour voting, bans drive-thru voting, poll watchers, vote by mail mandates, etc.
Immigration and Refugee Crisis
- Nativism and Xenophobia
- Mass migration. Refugees.
- The wall
- ICE agents’ brutality
- Family separation. Detaining children.
- Challenging unjust government policies, outdated laws
- Dreamers
- Boarder security, militarizing the border
- Understaffed immigrant-processing systems
- Cages
- Travel bans
- Unequal pay, undocumented workers, U.S. needs workers
- Forced hysterectomies
- Migrants in need of safety (seeking asylum from violence in El Salvador, Guatemala, and Honduras)
- Cruel political stunts:
- Governors Greg Abbot (Texas), Ron DeSantis (Florida), Greg Ducey (Arizona) transporting immigrants to northern states — lured with false promises of work & housing.
Racial Injustice
- Groups: African Americans, Asian Americans, Latinx, Hispanic, Indigenous communities, Muslims, Jewish, Sikh
- Police Reform, Police Brutality
- Working against discrimination
- Equity (goes beyond equality. Eliminates societal barriers.)
- Lack of resources (clean water on reservations)
- Segregation
- Civil rights
- Removal of Confederate statues
- Stereotyping
- Black Lives Matter
- Asian Hate
- Mass incarceration – zero tolerance, war on drugs, profiling, school discipline policies (school to prison pipeline)
- Death Penalty
- Bryan Stevenson – Equal Justice Initiative (Just Mercy = book and movie)
- War on Drugs
- Housing & Socioeconomic status
- Military Targeting
- Xenophobia
- Unconscious racism
Sexual Orientation
- LGBTQ+ rights
- Discrimination, harassment, violence, oppression
- Marriage laws
- Employment Non-Discrimination Act (yet to pass)
- Supporting LGBTQ+ youth (bullying, harassment, dropping out, homelessness, suicide)
- Pronouns
- Athletics
- Bathroom accessibility
- Stigma
Body Autonomy
- Drug tests
- Euthanasia
- Vaccinations
- pro-choice vs. anti-choice
- Transgender Issues
- Access to computers
- Segregation/integration
- Access to education for female students (Africa, Afghanistan, etc.)
- What is taught vs what is omitted (CRT, etc.)
- Misinformation
Increased Political Violence
- “justified” by religion?
Labor Laws
- Worker’s rights
- Occupational health/safety
- Income Gap
Human Trafficking
- Forced child labor
- Sex trafficking
Civil Rights for Exceptional Students
- Autism
- Laws: no child left behind, Individuals with Disabilities Education Act
Human Rights for All
- Genocide
Sexual Assault
- Abuse in the Church
- Cover-ups
- Genital mutilation
- Insurance
- Coverage eligibility
- Affordability/cost
- Access
Gun Violence
- Gun Control
- 2nd amendment rights
- Background checks
- Banning certain weapons
- Mandatory training – use and safety measures
- “Beating Guns” by Shane Claiborne and Michael Martin — (guns to garden tools)
- Teachers with guns? School security guards?
- “Pipeline”
- Open carry laws
- Equality
- Wage gap
- Stigma around the word
- Reproductive Rights
- Violence
- Intersectional feminism
Hunger and Food Insecurity (poverty)
- Homelessness
- Wage gap
- Inequality of wealth distribution